Climate Change

What is climate change?

Climate change is a long-term change in Earth’s weather patterns and average climate.
The Earth’s climate has changed throughout history, the current warming trend is unprecedented and alarming. The rapid climate change is reflected through

  1. Global temperature rise,
  2. increased heat and ocean warming, 
  3. Shrinking Greenland ice sheets, 
  4. Decreased extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice, 
  5. Retreating glaciers, 
  6. decreased amount of spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere, 
  7. rising sea level, 
  8. extreme weather events, 
  9. Acidification of surface ocean, 
  10. Increased atmospheric CO2

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What can we do?

Multiple lines of evidence suggest that human activities, including the expansion of the greenhouse effect as the leading contributor to global warming and rapid climate change. Although climate change cannot be avoided, the rapid climate change and the resultant detrimental impact can be mitigated with concentrated efforts over time. The initiatives range from personal level changes to legislative changes to globally coordinated efforts. 

  1. Educate Yourself and Others
  2. Start a climate conversation
  3. Unite for bold climate action
  4. Eat for a climate-stable planet
  5. Be More Conservative with Energy Usage
  6. Encourage the use of renewable energy
  7. Make Your Commute Green
  8. voting and choose the right office representatives 
  9. Vote for legislation
  10. recycle

Raising awareness about climate change:

When it comes to a movement that ranges from personal-level change to globally coordinated efforts, having proper knowledge, facts, and awareness is critically important. A great list of resources about climate change and global warming are included in the ‘resources’ section below. Data speaks, and facts matter! All of the resources discuss scientific evidence, scientific data, and predictions based on scientific methodologies.

To help raise awareness about climate change and global warming, My Science Boutique has launched a series of climate change T-shirts. We are partnering up with several organizations for sustainable fashion and textile recycling. Be assured that we will do everything we can to support this movement.

Our series of climate change T-shirts will help you:

  1. Passionately stand for the cause you believe in.
  2. Speak up for science, scientific facts, and truth
  3. Bring up climate change in casual conversations to raise awareness
  4. Get your messages out there in creative ways such as a cool fun climate change t-shirt
  5. Let your clothes reflect your beliefs and passion
  6. Make it easy for fellow climate change warriors to identify you

Climate Change T-shirts

(8 Reviews) $42.99$44.99
(4 Reviews) $34.99$37.99
(3 Reviews) $34.99$37.99
(3 Reviews) $24.99$27.99

Climate Change on Social Media

Climate Change Resources